tritional and Diet Chart

Improve Children with ADHD Overall Growth: A Complete ADHD Nutritional and Diet Chart


Proper nutrition plays a vital role in every child’s better growth and development, especially in the case of children with special abilities like ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). ADHD is a neuro-developmental disorder whose symptoms can affect both children and adults and survey is proof of that.

It’s every parent, teacher, and caretaker’s responsibility to take care of every need of children with ADHD so that they grow in every aspect of their life. One of the most important aspects is to take care of their nutrition intake.

While there is no solid proof or scientific evidence that various diets or nutritional problems could be the cause of ADHD. However, many researchers suggest that certain foods can affect the symptoms of ADHD either in a positive way or in a negative way.

To clear this dilemma, we have created this blog post, which will give you a clear idea of which food should be avoided for children with ADHD and what kinds of different foods are available that could prove to be beneficial for them.

What is ADHD Diet? 

ADHD diet simply means that the individual who has ADHD consumes the right kind of foods and other nutritional supplements available, which is beneficial for their overall growth. The primary goal of an ADHD diet is to improve human functions and mitigate the symptoms of ADHD like restlessness and lack of focus with time.

Now, that we know what ADHD diet actually is, let’s get to know what kind of food should children with ADHD eat and which food to avoid.

Foods to Eat for Children with ADHD

While there is no definite list of diet charts of foods that are universally beneficial for children or adults who have ADHD, you can consider certain food groups and nutrients, which has shown potential benefits. Below we have shared plenty of recommendations that you can consider while creating a diet and nutritional chart for children with ADHD.

1. Protein-Rich Foods

Including protein-rich foods in the diet can provide essential amino acids necessary for neurotransmitter production and regulation. Good sources of protein include:

  • Lean meats such as Chicken, Turkey, and Fish
  • Eggs
  • Beans and legumes
  • Nuts and seeds

Consuming these foods as part of a balanced diet may help with focus and overall brain function.

2. Complex Carbohydrates

Choosing complex carbohydrates over simple carbohydrates can help provide a steady release of glucose to the brain, which can support sustained attention and energy levels. Some examples of complex carbohydrates include:

  • Whole grains such as- Brown rice, Oats, and Quinoa
  • Fruits and Vegetables
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Beans and Legumes

Including these foods in meals and snacks can contribute to stable blood sugar levels and sustained energy throughout the day.

3. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fats that play a crucial role in brain health. Including foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids in the diet can be beneficial for children with ADHD. Good sources of omega-3 fatty acids include:

  • Fatty fish such as Salmon, Mackerel, and Sardines
  • Walnuts
  • Flaxseeds and Chia seeds
  • Hemp seeds

Incorporating these foods into the diet or considering omega-3 supplements, under the guidance of a healthcare professional, may support cognitive function and potentially alleviate ADHD symptoms in children.

4. Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are the most essential part of the diet for not only children with ADHD but for every person. It contains various essential minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants which can help to improve both physical and mental health.

We have mentioned below some of the fruits and vegetables which can be beneficial for children with ADHD.

  • Berries such as- Blueberries, Strawberries, and Raspberries
  • Leafy greens like Spinach and Kale
  • Citrus fruits such as Oranges and Grapefruits
  • Cruciferous vegetables such as Broccoli and Cauliflower

Note: Children with ADHD may be fussy or not willing to eat vegetables because we all know that children hate vegetables. However, you can be a little creative with vegetables to make it more likable for them to eat, because both fruits and vegetables can help them to improve their cognitive function and overall well-being at the same time.

5. Nutritional Supplements for ADHD

While supplementation should not replace a balanced diet, some children with ADHD may benefit from specific nutrients. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any supplementation regimen for children. Here are some nutritional supplements that may be considered for children with ADHD:

Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplements

In the above points we have seen how beneficial omega-3 fatty acids-rich foods are with that different supplements of Omega-3 in capsule or in liquid form can be beneficial for children with ADHD to improve their brain function. However, make sure when you decide to give supplements to your children with ADHD it should be of high quality, and don’t forget to consult with the healthcare professionals regarding the dosage of the Omega-3 supplements.

Multivitamins and Minerals

Some children with ADHD may have nutrient deficiencies, and a daily multivitamin and mineral supplement may help fill those gaps. However, it is important to note that a balanced diet should be the primary source of essential nutrients. Consult with a healthcare professional to determine if a multivitamin and mineral supplement is necessary.

Foods to Avoid for ADHD

While there is no definitive list of foods to avoid for children with ADHD, some substances may potentially worsen symptoms in certain individuals. It is important to note that these substances may not affect every child with ADHD and that children’s sensitivities can vary. Here are some substances that you may consider avoiding for your children:

1. Artificial Colours and Flavours

Some studies have suggested a possible link between artificial colors and flavors and increased hyperactivity in children. While the evidence is not conclusive, it may be worth considering reducing or avoiding foods that contain these additives. Examples of artificial colours and flavours include:

  • Red and yellow food dyes
  • Artificial sweetener (Aspartame)

It is important to read food labels and choose products that do not contain these additives if a sensitivity or intolerance is suspected.

2. Sugar and Simple Carbohydrates

While sugar itself does not cause ADHD, some children may experience increased hyperactivity after consuming sugary foods. It is generally recommended to limit the consumption of sugary foods and beverages for overall health. Additionally, simple carbohydrates, such as white bread, white rice, and foods made with white flour, may cause a rapid spike in blood sugar levels, potentially leading to energy crashes and difficulty concentrating.

3. Caffeine

Caffeine is a stimulant that can affect sleep patterns and exacerbate ADHD symptoms in some children or adults. It is recommended to limit or avoid caffeine intake, especially if taking medication for ADHD, as caffeine can interact with medications and potentially worsen side effects.

Make Diet and Nutrition Chart For ADHD Children Like a Pro

Every child with ADHD faces challenges in every aspect of their life on a daily basis. One of the most important yet less focused aspects of children with ADHD is their diet and nutrition intake. It’s every SEN (Special Education Needs) teacher, or caretaker’s responsibility to pay attention to which food is right for their children with ADHD and which food is not. Pursuing courses like MA in Education with SEN can make adults more aware of how to create a perfect diet and nutritional chart for their children.

However, in this blog post as well we have shared about every possible food to have and avoid for children with ADHD with which parents, teachers, or caretakers can make informed decisions for children on which food to eat and avoid.  Lastly, it is important to remember that diet and nutrition plans for ADHD should be tailored according to the individual needs and preferences of children.

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