How Developing Multiple Intelligences In Your Pre-schoolers Ignite Development?


The theory of multiple intelligence was first proposed by Howard Gardner in 1983. It suggested that multiple intelligence is the best way of studying the wide range of potential in every preschooler.

However, not every school and teachers are equipped or aware of the concept of multiple intelligence which could help them to recognize and unlock the true potential of students.

If you are a teacher who’s looking to identify and develop multiple intelligences within your preschool students, then we have got you covered.

In this blog post, we will be exploring how you can identify and develop multiple intelligences in your children with simple and effective strategies.

How You Can Identify Multiple Intelligence In Children? 

Intelligence In Children


Let’s get to explore how you can identify multiple intelligences within your preschoolers:

Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence

This kind of intelligence helps individuals to come up with ideas, feelings, and problem-solving approaches through the use of their own bodies. Those children who excel in sports and are good at creating new things from their hands are considered to have Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence.

Inter-personal Intelligence

Inter-personal intelligence makes an individual able to properly understand other people’s moods, feelings, and needs. If your pre-schoolers have the ability to empathize and give helpful advice to their peers then they possess the quality of inter-personal Intelligence.

Intra-personal Intelligence

Those individuals who have a heightened sense of self-awareness and have the innate knowledge to apply knowledge to their daily lives. Children who possess the quality of Intra-personal Intelligence, they’d be able to live their lives marching forward and believing in their own abilities.

Linguistic Intelligence

Those individuals who excel in self-expression via either verbal or written or both. Those children have an innate ability for story-telling and possess the quality to retain information for a longer period of time, which other children cannot. This ensures that those children possess the quality of Linguistic Intelligence.

Logical-Mathematical Intelligence

Those children possess the quality of understanding numbers, have excellent reasoning skills, and at the same time use them effectively. These children have an innate sense of curiosity and thrive in games like chess, which requires strategic thinking and creativity.

Musical Intelliegence

Those children possess musical intelligence they tend to remember songs with ease and they can also connect with music with their emotions. Some of the easiest way to find this intelligence in children is when they can pick any instruments easily and they are rhythmic in their behaviour.

Naturalist Intelligence

Those children who possess natural intelligence are generally nature lovers and animal lovers as well. They possess an inclination toward concerning issues related to climate, nature, or animals and they never shy away from speaking on these topics.

Spatial Intelligence

Those children who possess spatial intelligence tend to perceive situations or things visually. They tend to show abilities to remember the finer details which other children may miss out. They also like to watch movies, television, and videos and at the same time, they like to perform arts activities. They have the calibre to absorb information through illustration.

4 Crucial Trends in Ealry Childhood Eduaction that you must follow:

Creative Ways of Developing Multi-Intelligence Within Children 

Here are some of the effective and creative ways of developing multi-intelligence with different activities in each intelligence within children:

Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence

Activities that you can use for developing Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence:

  • Interacting & playing with building logos & blocks
  • By taking part in drama or acting class
  • By designing costumes and various props

Inter-personal Intelligence

Activities that you can use for developing Inter-personal Intelligence:

  • Working on a project with groups
  • Playing with puppets to express their feelings  & thoughts
  •  Mentoring & teaching their peers

Intra-personal Intelligence

Activities that you can use for developing Inter-personal Intelligence:

  • Maintaining personal journaling and Blogs
  • Creating  scrapbook
  • Setting different goals and effective ways to achieve them

Linguistic Intelligence

Activities that you can use for developing Linguistic Intelligence:

  • Storytelling activities
  • Reciting Poem activities
  • Join any debate team to express points.

Logical-Mathematical Intelligence

Activities that you can use for developing Logical-Mathematical Intelligence:

  • Playing Chess, Monopoly
  • Coding Activities
  • Conducting various experiments

Music Intelligence

Activities that you can use for developing Music Intelligence:

  • Listening to music of any genre
  • Writing own lyrics
  • Learning any instruments

Natural Intelligence

Activities that you can use for developing Natural Intelligence:

  • Showing genuine care for plants and animals
  • Encouraging them to participate in river cleaning, recycling activities, etc.
  • Activities related to recycling plants & animals.

Spatial Intelligence

Activities that you can use for developing Spatial Intelligence:

  • Pictures-clicking activities
  • Using available VR software
  • Figuring out the location by seeing the map

Developing Multiple Intelligence In Your Children Is The Key For Their Growth

Developing multiple intelligences in your preschoolers is the best way to help them lead meaningful and happier lives in both their academic and personal lives as well. With the help of the above-mentioned different activities with which you can develop multiple intelligences in your students, you can prepare them for a successful life in every aspect of life.

If you want to learn more effective and latest preschool teaching strategies. Then, consider pursuing courses like Early Years Care and Education Courses in Singapore, where you will get assistance from top expert trainers.

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